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New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024

Hasta el viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023 a las 19:00

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Nueva Bauhaus Europeos 2024

Nueva Bauhaus Europeos 2024

New European Bauhaus (NBE) Awards 2024. After receiving more than 4,500 entries in total in previous editions, the 2024 NBE competition will this year award 20 exemplary innovative ideas and projects that represent sustainability, aesthetics and inclusivity. For the first time this year, applications for projects and ideas from Ukraine will also be accepted, in addition to EU Member States and the Western Balkans. The “Special Recognition of Ukraine's Recovery and Reconstruction Effort” awards will recognize those projects and ideas that contribute to the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine in line with the values ​​of the New European Bauhaus. Another new element this year is the special attention that will be paid to projects and ideas from EU regions facing socio-economic problems or challenges in the double digital and ecological transition.

The 2024 awards will recognize existing projects, as well as ideas from young talent, in four categories:
Reconnection with nature.

Recovery of the feeling of belonging

Priority given to the places and people who need it most

Configuration of a circular industrial ecosystem and support for the life cycle concept. For each of the four categories, the contest has two parallel sections

Section A: “Champions of the New European Bauhaus”, for existing projects completed with clear and positive results.

Section B: “Rising stars of the New European Bauhaus” for ideas presented by young talents aged thirty or younger. Ideas can be at different stages of development, from ideas with a clear plan to the prototype level.

The 2024 prizes will be awarded to 20 winners, who will receive a prize of up to €30,000, as well as a communication package to help them further develop and promote their projects and ideas. The names will be announced during the New European Bauhaus Festival, which will take place in Brussels from 17 to 21 April, at an awards ceremony organized by the Commission. The festival will bring together people from diverse backgrounds in a series of workshops, activities and side events to discuss and shape our future. The call for parallel events remains open until December 31, 2023.

How to take part?

The call will remain open until November 10, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. (Central European Time). Candidates of all nationalities and backgrounds will be considered if the implementation of their ideas and projects takes place in the EU, the Western Balkans or Ukraine. Nominations must be submitted through the official New European Bauhaus Awards platform.

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