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European Startup Prize For Mobility |Editión 2021-2022

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European startups Prize

European startups Prize

The European Startup Prize for Mobility (EUSP) is an EU-funded investment and acceleration program for sustainable mobility startups. It was created in 2017 by Karima Delli, Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism, Boston Consulting Group and Via ID.

OBJECTIVE: to promote, every year, the 10 best European startups that develop innovative and sustainable mobility solutions.


There are 9 key selection criteria for the EU Startup Award:

1 Innovation: How innovative/game changing is this product/service?

Market 2: What does traction look like for this startup?

3 Execution: How would you assess the speed of execution of the company since its incorporation?

4 Team: How strong and gender balanced does the management team see itself?

5 Climate: How does it contribute to reducing the carbon footprint in the transport sector? 6 Environmental impact: How do you address other environmental problems such as air pollution, water pollution, use of natural resources, etc.?

7 Social inclusion: How do you increase accessibility, safety and reduce transportation costs for your users?

8 Territorial inclusion: How does the service/product contribute to reconnecting remote areas, which suffer from a lack of mobility solutions?

9 Europe: How much will this startup benefit from this European program? ACCELERATION

EU Prize winners will receive the following specific programme, including business and investment opportunities, mentoring and European visibility:

1. Top 4: Top 4/Gold Award start-ups will benefit from an extension mentoring program offered by BCG to help them establish themselves in a new European country of their choice.

2. To the top 10: The top 10 startups will benefit from investment opportunities through a Demo Day in front of European investors (whether private or institutional), powered by Via ID.

3. Top 10 & Special Prizes: Our ecosystem of partners will provide investment, trading, visibility and mentorship opportunities.

4. To the entire startup community: EUSP's ecosystem of experts will engage with the entire startup community through customized workshops as part of EUSP's year-round mentoring program.

APPLICATION SUBMISSION PERIOD: From April 19 to June 20, 2023.


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